The Boarding Actions inspired - hive City short wall Terrain Set includes 190 STL files wish you can use to create a modular Insutrial Hive that can be used for the Boarding Actions missions, necro and other skirmisch games.
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What makes my design so different:
I've made a system, where you can add multiple levels to your boarding action map.
I did so by creating a support system on my walls, wish support inlay floors.
By doing so the floor doesn't come above the pillar caps. For boarding actions.
For necromunda I made floor frames wish can be used as boarding actions floor, if you add the inlay floor tiles in the frame. But for the use in necro it is designed to achieve the same level as the Necro pieces, after you put inlay floor pieces in the frame.
I Started with the use of a standard empty wall from: Kill Team / Boarding Actions Terrain from CactusCake ploaded on February 13, 2023 on .
From there on I created and designed everything myself with tinkercad. No remixes no copy, nothing. Most of the parts bin printed and tested untill they all fitted nicely.
All the pieces exept the inlay floors and floor frames can be combined with the Original Galow Dark and other designed boarding action sets.
This STL pack Contains:
5x Different Pillars (xPxx)
1x Pillar cap (PCxx)
50x Different Short Walls (xWxx & xWSxx)
10x Different Short frame Walls (AWFxx)
15x Different Short Walls with Hatchway (xWDxx)
2x Different Short Wall Bulkheads (xWBxx)
40x Different long Walls (x2Wxx & x2SWxx)
3x Different long Wall bulkheads (x2WBxx)
24x Different long Walls with Hatchway (x2DWxx & X2SDWxx)
3x Different Styles (Alternatif: Axxxx, Boarding actions: Bxxxx & Necromunda: Nxxxx)
2x Different types (normal walls: xWxx & support walls: xSWxx or xWSxx)
6x Different Inlay floors (BIFxx)
3x Different inlay walk ways (xIWxx)
3x Different inlay corner walk ways (xIWCxx)
2x Differen floor frames (ffxx)
12x Different partial walls 2' (xSWxxx)
12x Different partial walls 1' (xSWxxx)
4x Different overhang beams 2' (xOBAxx)
3x Different overhang beams 1' (xOBBxx)
4x Different partial overhang beams 1' (xOBCxx)
3x Different partial overhang beams 1' (xOBDxx)
3x Different long overhang beams (x2OBxx)
For my next project I will be creating a Boarding actions - hive city Damaged STL pack