So this time I designed a ZM project.
Here I tried to achieve more variety for building your own Underhive.
This set includes a whole bunch of:
Collums, pillar, beams, walk ways, railings, walls, platforms, floortiles and connectors.
updated new pieces in the 3MF file
_ Its compatible with zone mortalis.
_ low PLA material cost
_ short printing time
_ high modularity
_ no glue needed
_ supportless (if printed like uploaded)
Terrain Building steps.
Photo 3: as base I used 1/4th of a tile, with a cross on each corner.
Photo 4: with the use of 4 cross ground connectors, you can connect a collumr.
With the use of 1 ground connector you can add a pillar.
Where you don"t use a connector. You can add a ground top piece, to level it.
Photo 5: Also I made top pieces for the pillars and collums.
Photo 46: how the bord looks with the use of collums, pillars, beams and walk ways.
The collum and pillar tops, where switched with pillar and collum connectors, so you can stack em.
Photo 7: how you add and remove walls.
Photo 8: how the board looks with additionele walls.
I also made 1/4th collum floortiles, walk ways and beam pieces.
You can also use the 1/4th floortiles in the leveling system.
You can also stack pillars ontop of a collum, with a pillar & collum connector.
There are also half pillars and collums and walls to variate the height.
All of the above can be used glue free.
Railings and stairs are Loose or need 2 be glued.
I made a tutorial wish you can find here:
and a short intreduction video here:
Making off this tile: