Duck-Billed Platypotamus
Weighing roughly 1500KG the Duck-Billed Platypotamus, native to the rivers and lakes of Boondaburra, is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Despite its cute and placid-seeming exterior, it is incredibly territorial. Platypotamus attacks are swift and often deadly, their short legs belying their great speed. Besides the danger of trampling, they also have large, blunt teeth and strong jaws capable of crushing the large melons they are fond of eating. At home both in the water and out, one should always be wary of Platypotamuses when near any body of water.
This mini is sculpted for 32mm, and is Large sized. Comes with:
- Pre-supported file for resin printing in .STL and .LYS (editable)
- Unsupported file, for those who like to make their own supports
- 50mm plain base (not pictured), with CobraMode branding on the underside so you can remember where you got your mini!
Part of our April Release pack on Patreon.
*STL files are for personal use only