Elysium Warriors

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“The Demon armies are always in need of soldiers; willing or not. Souls of blood-thirsty warriors or souls of Heroes that fell in battle and corrupted by demonic influence, can be manifested as Elysium Warriors under the command of Demon Lords. Their name is a mockery to the Gods and pose a great threat to anyone who encounters them.”

The Elysium Warriors can be used as minion monsters at your rpg games.

A pre-supported version is included!
This miniature is from the Shattered Hell Kickstarter. Check the Kickstarter page here:

See our latest releases on our Patreon Page:

These miniatures can be used for tabletop rpgs like D&D and Pathfinder, fantasy boardgames and wargames.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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