Xeredian Giant

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This includes Xeredian Giant miniature files. It sits on a Huge (76.2mm / 3 Inch) base.


This miniature comes with optional presupported files for resin printing. These files come as ready to go STL files or Lychee files if you wish to edit the supports for your custom needs.

You can find my latest releases over on my Patreon!


The Xeredian Giant

Xer'edar was warned that transforming the giants was a forbidden act... but the desire for more power and it's curiosity was too great. This error would cost the elder brain a large part of his colony.

The massive giant was deformed by the process, it no longer needed to use it's legs as it could psionically carry itself. The tadpole that implanted into it's brain kept growing until the back of the giant's skull burst open. Still it continued to grow until it completely replaced the spine.

This was an abomination to the Xeredians, but it's psionic capabilities were beyond what they ever expected. The Xeredians feared it and the Hivemind knew that it would be it's ruin.

Before the levitating abomination could reach Xer'Edar, it was cast out into Astral Space. Along with it, the Xeredians that were disconnected from Xer'Edar's influence were also cast out. For a moment The Hivemind had felt fear, but it would not stop in it's search to create a Xeredian using a giant host. However, next time it would show more caution.

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