A Feastling Swarm is a nightmarish amalgamation of countless tiny creatures, each one resembling a grotesque fusion of rodent and insect. Their bodies, devoid of fur or any semblance of warmth, are covered in slick, pale skin that stretches taut over their emaciated forms like a thin membrane.
From a distance, the swarm appears as a writhing mass of sinewy bodies, undulating and pulsating with a disturbing rhythm that seems to defy nature itself. Upon closer inspection, the individual creatures become more apparent, their tiny forms squirming and wriggling as they move with an unsettling sense of purpose.
The faces of the Feastlings are perhaps the most disturbing aspect of their appearance. Their visages are twisted into horrifying masks of hunger and malice. Rows of razor-sharp teeth line their gaping maws, constantly gnashing in anticipation of their next meal.
Their eyes, numerous and unblinking, giving them an eerie, insect-like appearance. Each eye gleams with a sickly yellow light, reflecting the insatiable hunger that burns within the heart of every Feastling.
This download includes 4x Feastlings of Ruin, in both supported and unsupported formats, accompanied with highly detailed 40mm bases.