Queen Brynhild The Undying

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Queen Brynhild is a legend within Vhar's history that is written in bloodshed and conquest. She is recognized by her skill in battle and her unwavering determination to unite the fractured city-states within the once war-ridden republic.

Fifteen years ago, Brynhild was first noted within the lands of Vhar as a formidable warrior, though her origins shrouded in mystery. With her unparalleled prowess on the battlefield and her seemingly invincible nature, she quickly rose through the ranks, earning the moniker "The Undying" among her comrades.

For five long years, Brynhild fought tirelessly to unite the disparate city-states of Vhar under her banner. With each victory, she forged alliances and crushed resistance, her indomitable will driving her ever onward towards her ultimate goal.

Finally, after years of bloody conflict and hard-fought battles, Brynhild emerged victorious, her forces triumphant and her enemies having bent the knee. In a decisive show of strength, she proclaimed the Republic of Vhar as the Kingdom of Vhar, cementing her place as its rightful ruler and sovereign queen.

Since then, Queen Brynhild has ruled over Vhar with wisdom and grace, her reign marked by prosperity and stability. Under her leadership, the kingdom has flourished, its borders secure and its people thriving.

Queen Brynhild cuts a striking figure, her presence commanding attention wherever she goes. Standing head and shoulders above the tallest warriors, she exudes an aura of strength and regality that is matched only by her undeniable beauty.

It is her eyes that truly captivate those who meet her gaze. Piercing and intense, they seem to hold the wisdom of ages past, their depths betraying a strength and resilience that few can match. They are the eyes of a leader, a conqueror, and a queen.

Atop her head rests a crown of polished steel, adorned with intricate runes. Her hair, a cascade of golden waves, falls in loose tendrils around her shoulders, framing her face in a halo of radiant light.

Perhaps the most striking feature of Queen Brynhild is her wings. Sprouting from her back like the mighty wings of a raven, they unfurl to their full span, casting a shadow that seems to stretch on endlessly behind her. Their feathers shimmer with an otherworldly sheen, their black hue reminiscent of the darkest night sky.

As she strides confidently through the halls of her castle within Hrafnheim, Queen Brynhild is a vision of power and grace, her presence a beacon of strength a symbol of unyielding resolve.

This package includes 1x Queen Brynhild the Undying miniature, both supported and unsupported, as well as a 40mm premium base. 

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