This modular 32mm 220mm tall mech contains:
10 main weapons, including railguns, plasma batteries, tesla harpoons, las lances, anti matter conversion beams and more
10 head options, and 6 torso mounted weapons(including machineguns, laser cannons and fusion torch arrays) , all compatible with any of the 3 slots on the torso for a massive amount of possible combinations
4 shoulder pad options, including some with missiles, and an adapter for mounting additional main weapons
2 small auxilary weapons used as plugs on the lower chest vents
2 carapace mounted weapons, with the missile launcher having options for heavy and light missiles. As well as a cover for no weapon and adapters for main weapons
3 shin armours and optional hip armour
Blank head, arm, and a loose carapace mount for kitbashing/customising other models and this one
All mounted on a totally posable frame including a split torso for standard small sized resin printers, and a whole one for larger size resin printers
Usable in 28mm wargames as a dominion/questing class mech by downscaling about 20%, or upscales by 15-30% for a super heavy support mech. OR in 6/8mm games as a super heavy command mech
All created and rendered in blender
For personal use only