Description Over countless centuries, the Umbra – strange beings of a shadowy essence from the void between galaxies – have been hidden beneath the sands of Samaria, and they continue to grow as they feed. In order to keep these shape-shifting beings in check, the Arbiter of Chaos has created a cadre of Focus-wielders to track down and dispatch those Umbra out in the wilds of Samaria, as well as ensuring the Umbra beneath the sands remain there. The trials involved in becoming a Strega are incredibly arduous, with many aspirants dying before they can take up the mantle. No more than thirteen Strega stalk the world, searching for renegade Umbra. Features • Highly detailed resin miniature – this brand new model brilliantly represents the speed and lethality the female Shadow Caste exude. • This Strega would be an elite model in a Dragyri Shadow Caste warband, and could also be fielded in a warband from another elemental caste. • The Strega are solid fighters in their own right, but they also bring important abilities like their Smoke Bomb and Psychogenics to the table. The Strega, therefore, are best used to bolster your line troops by disrupting your opponent with Immobilize or Paralyzed counters, and providing cover for your troops against ranged attacks. Components Blister pack contains: one (1) Shadow Caste Strega, one (1) 40mm base, and one Dark Age unit card.