The Fall Of Guardia - The Barracks And The Bell Tower

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The Fall of Guardia - The Barracks and the Bell Tower

Behold the haunting remnants of the once-mighty Barracks and Bell Tower, now echoes of a bygone era. War-torn and battered, these structures tell a tale of the city's resilience in the face of adversity. The Bell Tower, once a symbol of Guardia's watchful gaze, now stands as a solemn silhouette against a backdrop of destruction.

The Barracks, a haven for defenders, bears the scars of a city under siege. As the dust settles, these ruins become a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by Guardia in its final days. A powerful addition for those seeking to recreate the drama of a fallen city in their tabletop adventures!


Supportless Printing.

28mm scale buildings


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