Drow Moonlight Ranger - Exrin Nvata

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[Medium Sized Model - 25mm Base]

[Presupported in 32mm & 75mm scale]


A Drow Ranger who is a devout follower of Glanbeli, acting as an instrument of her champion Kadna. Things changed drastically for Exrin during the Autumn of the Falling Moon, which resulted in Glanbeli’s true emergence as a deity. This event saw herself and her kin imbued with the power of the radiant moon, and Exrin has now been chosen by Kadna to act as Glanbeli’s Champion at the Crucible for her devout services.

Exrin was born in a small village of little note alongside her twin, younger brother, Xandir. The two were the first children born of an egg miner and a weaver couple, followed with three other younger siblings after. Being the eldest meant the most responsibility was placed on the two, though neither particularly fancied this, preferring instead to spend their nights beyond the safety of the grotto their village lay in, in the wilds of Lo Fuin’s swampy jungle above.

From a young age they made a habit of this, and it eventually became the twos charge to hunt and bring meals for the rest of their family from the above world, for the creatures and fruits there were tender and sweet compared to the gamey lizards and bitter mushrooms of the Underground. Though with the communal sharing culture that Drow villages share, the other villagers grew jealous and even the other children began to grow resentful of Exrin and Xandir for the two became paragons in the village, and all other children were compared to the twins. So the hunts grew more dangerous and more tiring as they were forced to no longer try feed seven, but seven hundred. Others would join the twins on the hunts but never had the knack for navigating the swamps as the twins did, and would often become injured, lost or killed much to the guilt of Exrin.

So when the two were many summers older, and after one particularly poor hunting trip, they decided to fake their deaths or disappearances and simply leave the village, deciding to instead live above land as they had basically done for almost two dozen decades already. It was here that they were observed by the Priestess of Glanbeli, Kadna. She was in awe at how easily the two dispatched a basilisk, a creature usually fearsome against even her own guards. She took the two into her employ, teaching Exrin the powers of Glanbeli to enchant her bow and loosed arrows, and showed the same simple magicks to Xandir. Now the two act as her scouts and occasional bodyguards, accompanying her on her treks to the surface, constantly in contact through bonds in their minds. Now that bond is strengthened further as their deity has at least awakened after countless aeons in slumber, choosing Kadna as her Champion upon Minera, and Exrin to compete on her behalf in the Crucible of Champions.

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