Foundry - Ancients, all miniatures
Essex Miniatures ( 550 )
Eureka Miniatures ( 81 )
Gorgon Studios ( 51 )
Rafm Miniatures ( 127 )
- Все (69)
- (213)
- African Animals (1)
- Armoured Infantry (14)
- Armoured Legionaries (9)
- Auxilia (11)
- Carthaginians Spanish and Light Infantry (14)
- Carts (2)
- Cavalry (24)
- Cavalry and Artillery (15)
- Celts (10)
- Chariots (18)
- Command (13)
- Command and Characters (10)
- Command Characters and Civilians (8)
- Emperors and Personalities (6)
- European and Eurasian Animals (3)
- Gallic Allies (5)
- Infantry (95)
- Legionaries (28)
- Light Infantry and Cavalry (13)
- Mercenaries (10)
- Older range (20)
- Praetorian Guard (6)
- Roman Characters (9)
- Roman Command (4)
- Romano British (9)
- Single Pose Packs (7)
- Spanish and Numidian Allies (7)
- Steve Saleh Romans (11)
- Unarmoured Legionaries (8)
- 28mm (661)
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Our Ancients section covers the vast period of history from 3000BC up until the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The vast majority of the pages listed here contain background historical information and/or painting guides as well as guides to wargaming armies or periods by either Nigel Stillman or Adrian Garbett.