When troops need to be ferried into combat quickly, the Starborne call upon the rugged B-47 Starhawk. Capable of both standard and VTOL flight, the Starhawk is an extremely versatile craft. Since the outset of the war, it quickly became a beloved symbol of the Concordian military, because of this the gunships are often elaborately decorated, causing no two of them to look alike. Units oftentimes hold competitions for who can paint the most amusing or interesting nose art.
- The wings on this set are magnetized, allowing you to remove them for storage or travel
-- The doors on this set move, allowing you to open up your gunship whenever you want
--- This set comes with a fully detailed interior.
---- This set comes with premade holes for magnets, allowing you to easily maximize the use of a single model.
----- This set comes with both supported and unsupported versions, making sure that we'll get you on the battlefield quickly!
------ Flight stand not included