28mm Roman Republican Consular command group on horses. Consul/General in two poses, cornu player, banner bearer and 4 horses included.
Scipio Africanus and his command unit ready to lead your army across the ancient world!
Our next 28mm set will be the promised Republican Romans, broadly representing the armies of Scipio Africanus in the Punic wars (but obviously more widely suitable). By the time this is finished it should provide a complete set of everything needed for these battles.
Intended for 28mm scale printing on resin printers. Can be scaled up for large scale printing. Supported lychee files and supported stl files included at 28mm. All models are test printed.
Visit us at patreon.com/gadgetworks for more historical models to print.
Consists of
- Consul figure holding helmet with hand raised
- Consul figure wearing helmet with sword
- Consul Horse Standing
- Consul Horse Rearing
- Cornu player with bearskin
- Banner bearer
- 2x Horse poses