Complete LIZARD-FOLK team
- 1 big guy model (+ double sword fantasy battle version)
- 3 Large Lizards (you can mirror to have your 6 Large lizards)
- 4 small lizards (you can mirror to make up to 8)
- 1 complementary tongue_n_ball you can add on small lizards mouth to distinct players if needed
- 2 small lizard star players
- 1 Coach
- 1 Apothecary
All is design to fit on 32mm round bases
Supported and Unsupported Files
By Buying this Commercial license you accept that :
- You can print models from digital files and sell physical models you print yourself.
- Digital files you will obtain with this package cannot be shared or sold.
- You can't modify models and should use them as they have been sold to you
- You can't copy them with molding process.