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These Massive cliffs reach a height of around 280mm. They are designed to be used with ¼ inch materials such as hardboard/Masonite, cardboard, foam core, plastic/plexiglass, etc. The cave have OpenLOCK connectors but will work best with 8x3mm magnets. This expansive Core set includes the following features:
Each cut section will fit on a 8 inch plate and is well under 250mm
3 Unique 190mm wide cliffs
2 Unique 100mm Wide Cliffs
4 90 degree turns
2 inverted turns (turn out)
4 Scalable cliffs with model stand cutaways (2 x 190mm 1x100mm, and one curve)
Half height walls of all of the above
3 part, 480mm wide switch back path
1 190mm cliff with swappable cliff face
2 100mm Cliffs with 5 swappable cliff faces
Swappable features include cliff ledges, door, cave, and tree/nest,