This is our cliff expansion set. This release IS NOT STAND_ALONE. However, you will be able to purchase the cliff core set for near subscriber pricing this month. All parts have been test printed. The cliff core set and this expansion utilize open lock and magnet options. I think it works best with the magnets. It is slotted for 3mmx8mm magnets (depth x diameter ) like these ones on Amazon.
This month’s release features:
2 New cliff endcaps and 3 natural arch bridges: These endcaps will create a square edge. This edge will work in any situation though it is intended to help people doing large vertical builds. The gully bridges a are sized to fill 190mm and 290mm gaps. This includes the endcaps and is intended to provide the correct spacing to allow for modular compatibility for not only tall cliffs but also lower builds. This set also includes one very long bridge that is designed for the magnet face 100mm cliffs from the core set. They include parts that will join 100mm cliff 4 and 100mm cliff 3 to create a 16-inch natural arch bridge.
Mine and tomb entrance expansion. This magnet face expansion is built off the 100mm Cliff 2 piece. It offers an interchangeable Mine or Tomb entrance. It also includes a plain face cliff option. The tomb includes an option for having a waterfall come out of it. Optional tomb waterfall includes a resin option for anyone who wants to mess around with the water more.
Fire Giant and Large Cave entrance: Based on Cliff Face 1, this magnet face expansion includes these 2 entrances and a new shelf face option. Giant entrance could be for anything, I just scaled vs Fire Giants. Giant entrance includes portcullis and faux entrance area for visual effect.
Large Waterfall and Dwarven Fortress Entrance: Built with Cliff Face 3, this set includes a large waterfall and Dwarven Fortress Gate. The Dwarven Gate is semi functional. The large waterfall includes a small cave entrance. There is also a plane face cliff option for this set. The dwarven Gate includes an optional set with extra cuts to make printing easier.
3 Floating Islands: The 3 floating islands also use magnets and any donut stand with 10mm rods, which should be any of them. Donut stands can be bought on amazon ad well, here is a sample.