The gun-crazy show-offs known as Flash Gitz are skilled at breaking heads up close or blasting their enemies into tiny, glowing bits with equal style. Amongst the richest and most obnoxious of their warlike breed, Flash Gitz travel the galaxy engaging in acts of outrageous piracy and wanton vandalism. Kaptin Badruk is the greatest Flash Git there ever was. He is ostentatious in the extreme – his heavily scarred and tattooed head is decorated with medals taken from defeated Imperial admirals whose ships he has ransacked.
How To Paint Citadel Miniatures: Badruk and Flash Gitz is a detailed painting guide for the Orks: Kaptin Badruk and Orks: Flash Gitz sets. The guide explores the different techniques required to create exceptional examples of these outlandish piratical warriors for your collection.