Especially talented or popular Mekboyz will soon attract a following, lording it over a growing gang of underlings. A Mek with this much clout is referred to as a Big Mek, and can prove indispensable to the local Warboss with his knowledge of shokk attack guns, force field technology, and tellyporta rigs. Yet Warbosses don’t willingly suffer rivals. If a Big Mek gets too big for his boots, he will soon find himself at the business end of a very large gun (probably the one he built for the boss a couple of weeks earlier).
How To Paint Citadel Miniatures: Big Mek With Shokk Attack Gun is a detailed painting guide for the Orks: Big Mek boxed set. The guide explores the different techniques required to create exceptional examples of these resourceful greenskin warriors for your collection.