Shadow War: Armageddon – Skitarii Ranger Kill Team

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A mainstay of the legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii Rangers are relentless hunters. Able to operate for days on end without rest or respite, they will track their prey to the point of exhaustion before bringing them down in a hail of fire from their exotic weaponry.

Expand your games of Shadow War: Armageddon by adding a Skitarii Rangers Kill Team! In this bundle, you’ll receive a set of 10 Skitarii Rangers, who make up the bulk of the Kill Team, along with a set of 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers and a Tech-Priest Enginseer, who function as Skitarii Special Operatives.

Rules for fielding this Kill Team in games of Shadow War: Armageddon, including weapons, armour, Skills, Special Operatives and team-specific Special Rules are available as a free download from the tab on the right.

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