Dwarf Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, and Lord

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Dwarf Lords lead their armies into battle – these Kings and Thanes of the mountain holds have been tutored in the ways of war by the elders of their clans, and boast tremendous battle experience of their own. They are often accompanied by a Battle Standard Bearer, entrusted with the ancestral icons of their clan, whose inspiring presence ensures that the steadfast Dwarfs stand firmer than ever.

This multipart metal kit builds three Dwarf Lords to lead armies of the Dwarfen Mountain Holds. One is a Battle Standard Bearer, raising their ornate banner high to lift the spirits of their kin, while the other two go to war armed with finely-wrought great weapons and shields. The kit also includes an optional Oathstone for one of your Dwarf Lords to stand atop, allowing them to truly plant their feet and repay their grudges.

This kit contains 10 metal components, and 3x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.

This item is available on a Made to Order basis until 8:00am BST on Monday, the 9th of September 2024. As a Made to Order product, this item will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

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