Dark Angels Primaris Intercessors

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A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces bolstered by Primaris battle-brothers, this role is fulfilled by the Intercessor Squads. Since the inclusion of Intercessor Squads, the Company Masters of the Unforgiven have come to count on their formidable salvoes of firepower. Indeed, they are often the base upon which the rest of a strike force is built.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Primaris Intercessors. Wearing Mk X Tacticus armour in order to take advantage of its protection and mobility, they prove to be reliable and adaptable warriors, each armed with bolt rifles. Their bolt rifles can be 1 of 3 variants – the standard bolt rifle with sickle magazine, auto bolt rifle with overcharger and box magazine, or stalker bolt rifle with longer-range sight and straight magazine. There are 16 right-hand shoulder pads decorated with the iconography of the Intercessors – enough to cover each of the variant arms, including 2 with an open radio panel, 2 gesturing for their squad to halt, 2 holding combat knives and 2 firing bolt pistols. There are a total of 36 different heads available in this kit, covering helmeted and bare options.

The models can be assembled as either a 10-man squad, a squad of 9 Intercessors with a Sergeant or 2 separate 5-man squads, each with a Sergeant of their own.

They are upgraded to represent the Dark Angels with the 2 included 21-component upgrade frames. This is a selection of 18 shoulder pads, 6 heads, 4 arms (2 holding chainswords), 12 reliquaries and 2 tilting plates, specifically designed to add Dark Angels iconography to the Primaris Space Marines.

This is a 308-component plastic kit (including upgrades), and is supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases and a Dark Angels Transfer Sheet.

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