Cadaver Merchants collect the plentiful corpses that abound, and sell them for a profit. ‘Narkers, on the other hand, are professional spies that infiltrate bars, markets, and the like, eavesdropping for snippets of information that can be sold to the highest bidder.
This multipart resin kit builds a pair of Hangers-on for use in your games of Necromunda. The Cadaver Merchant can be hired by any Outlaw gang, allowing them to make use of those unfortunate fighters who don't make it out of a firefight in one piece. The 'Narker can be hired by Law Abiding gangs, giving you an advantage before battle even begins.
This kit comprises 13 resin components, 1x Necromunda 32mm Base, and 1x Necromunda 25mm Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.
This resin modelling kit is not a toy – it is a collectable item and construction should only be undertaken by expert Warhammer hobbyists aged 15 years and over.