Rough-Skinned Newt Taricha Granulosa

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The rough-skinned newt is a stocky, large-bodied type of salamander. It can be found along the west coast of North America, from California to British Columbia, with smaller populations found in Montana and Idaho. Terrestrial habitat includes forests in hilly or mountainous areas and occasionally grasslands or pastures. Aquatic habitat includes seasonally ephemeral ponds, lakes and slow-moving streams.

Rough-skinned newts can grow to just over 20cm long (8 inches). They are usually dark brown or grey with a yellow, orange or red underside and dry, granular skin. The most toxic newt in North America, this species produces a potent neurotoxin known as tetrodotoxin. Whilst harmful to humans in that it causes mild skin irritation, newts are subject to predation from raccoons and garter snakes. When threatened the newt adopts the “unkenreflex”, a defensive posture characterized by an arching of the back and head to reveal coloured markings on the tail and underbelly.

Newts will migrate long distances to breeding ponds. The breeding season stretches from December to July and eggs hatch three – four weeks after being laid. Juveniles will spend four – five months as aquatic larvae before metamorphosing into adults. This species’ diet consists mainly of insects.

Its conservation status is Least Concern.
This model comes with a pre-supported version allowing for easy resin printing. The chitubox file is also supplied if customisation of supports is required.

As this model contains many fine details and delicate parts, care is recommended when removing supports to avoid damage.

Clipping off the supports before cleaning up with a sharp blade or file is the best method.

Hollowed Version
This model includes a hollowed version. The hollowed version is made available in order to reduce the amount of resin consumed.

If printing hollowed, curing the inside of the model is recommended.

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