Beware the ship with blood-stained sails, landlubbers. It may be the last thing you ever see! Meet Captain Fulmini, a vampire who can harness the power of the high seas with an unquenchable thirst for revenge.
Will you walk the plank or can you knock Captain Fulmini’s plans off course?
Writing/Concept: Jessica Marcrum
Cover Art: Sally Thordarson
Interiors: Thabiso Mhlaba
Published: April 2021
What is the Big Bad Booklet?
The Big Bad Booklet is a fully illustrated 5e booklet featuring a new boss monster that includes details about the boss's back story, personality, and tactics. New Booklets are released monthly to our Patreon supporters.
Product Contents:
- Digital Booklet (PDF)
- Digital Print and Play Reference Cards (PDF)