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From the Dark Dungeons & Lost Children Kickstarter!

A 40 Years Later interpretation of a classic monster from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The mighty five-headed dragon, TIAHAMTU! This 1/12 scale figure is huge, highly detailed, and realistic!

Completed print is approximately 40" x 38.75" x 28.25"

Unsupported and Pre-supported files included. Pre-supported files are for the dragon only. Pre-supported files will only fit on a Elegoo Jupiter size printer or larger. Parts are supported hollow. These files are labeled "Tiamat Dragon Pre-supported." Heads and Necks are pre-supported for medium size resin printers and are label "Tiamat Heads Pre-supported For Medium Sized Resin Printers." These parts are supported solid. Larger parts of this model, such as the base, can be printed with an FDM printer. Test model was printed on FDM printers for 80% of the model and the heads and necks where printed in resin. For a detailed how-to video of the build, checkout the Imagin3Designs YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/tlFCf3ukSPY

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