Medieval Cobbled Streets

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This set of Battle Grip tiles includes all the tiles needed to create a cobbled square, street or courtyard plus a network of roads to run through it. Large 6″x6″ inch tiles allow you to quickly create table sized layouts for your game. Tiles lock easily together using the provided scaffolding system, or can be used without. Battle Grip tile sets are designed to work in conjunction with our Modular Walls and scale very nicely together. Use the Cobbled Streets tile set to create a detailed, level surface for any town you’re building and/or as the foundation for entire set such as the Wightwood Abbey Core Set.

– Battle Grip Tile Sets –

The Cobbled Streets tile set provides you with all the pieces necessary to create a cobbled landscape (such as for a medieval city, town, square or courtyard) and a network of roads that runs through them. 

The set comes with three main parts, plates, scaffolds and borders. 

The plates are designed to snap on (or be glued for added strength) onto our Battle Grip scaffolding which then can easily be attached to one another for a movable and firmly interlocked playing surface. Pieces can be attached on the fly without lifting already placed pieces and sections locked of pieces can be lifted and moved without detaching. 

Border pieces lock onto the surrounding edges of the scaffolds to create beautiful looking transitions between the cobbled area and other terrain. 

Optionally, if you want to keep things simple, the plates can be used without the scaffolding if you have no need to lock them into place. This can save print time and material. 

The set comes with in 6×6 and 3×3 inch interlocking scaffolds and plates, that can be quickly ‘cobbled’ together to create as large a battle scape as you can imagine. 

The Medieval Cobbled Streets set includes:

6″x6″ cobbled surface
6″x6″ cobbled “square”
6″x6″ cobbled mosaic
6″x6″ cobbled brick wheel mosaic
6″x6″ straight road section
6″x6″ 90° corner road section
6″x6″ 3-way ‘T’ intersection road section
6″x6″ 4-way intersection road section
3″x3″ cobbled surface
3″x3″ cobbled surface with sewer grate
6″ straight border
6″ straight border with posts
6″ corner border
6″ corner border with posts
3″ straight border
3″ straight border with posts
3″ corner border
3″ corner border with posts
6″x6″ scaffolding main
6″x6″ scaffolding off-set
3″x3″ scaffolding main
3″x3″ scaffolding insert

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