Elven Priest B is part of Tribes 2023 January releases.
The Sun's Fury Camp is a theme chosen by my Patreon Community. This theme is focused on Elf miniatures
Elven Priest B is a 32mm scale Elf miniature compatible with a 25.4mm round base.
The Hand is modular and is compatible with other Sun's Fury Camp miniatures hand options Example myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-sun-s-fury-camp-elven-guard-a-257004
A round 25.4mm base is included but, you can use any base you wish, it is not attached to the model.
The ZIP SFC_SFC_ElvenPriestB contains all files used to create the renders, except Bases. Supported Hands are included in SFC_PriestHands. SFC_WorkersBases are bases.
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