Alfonsa De Arevalao - Human Bard

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"Alfonsa is a free spirited young woman of noble heritage. Her parents always exposed her to the arts and it was always her duty to entertain guests with her musical skills whenever they entertained. Unbeknownst to her, her father was secretly a cult fanatic and used his wealth and social standing as a front to cover his fiendish extracurricular activities.  At age 15, Alfonsa's family home was raided by a group of rowdy adventurers looking to hold her father to account for his crimes.  Her father took his own life rather than be held to account and her mother was left desolate and penniless when the governers then proceeded to sieze her father's assets.  Alfonsa's mother is now in a state of poor physical and mental health after the incident, and Alfonsa cares for her.  She provides for her by playing music in town centres, markets and taverns all over the continent."

Alfonsa is sculpted as a 32mm scale miniature and is an update of a popular Lion Tower Classic miniature from our first ever release.  She is offered presupported in both Lychee and STL formats as well as an unsupported original STL.

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