Gorim Ironstone

2 i want 
i have 

Nobody expects Forge Fathers to be fast, and it’s true that even Gorim is unlikely to break any records again the Veer- myn. But among his kin he shows a real turn of speed. Whilst you might be forgiven for expecting an old warrior to take up the game as a Guard, Gorim now avoids combat entirely, preferring instead to pay as little attention to the opposition as possible as he goes about his scoring. This entails absorbing quite a lot of punishment, which he soaks up without complaint. As his fans in the crowd roar, “He can take it!”


  • 1 Plastic Gorim Ironstone DreadBall MVP
  • 1 Clear Plastic Hex Base
  • 1 Mantic Point

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Sprueless Plastic requires super glue.

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