Kayentatherium Wellesi : Swimming

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Model can be used with or without the supplied rod ( or any 2mm rod ).  You can either glue the model to the base or keep it separate using the rod. ( Models named accordingly )

It may look like a modern day mammal, but Kayentatherium wellesi is an extinct species of mammal-like reptile, or synapsid, that lived during the Early Jurassic period, approximately 195-190 million years ago.

It is known from fossil remains found in North America, particularly in the Kayenta Formation of Arizona. K. wellesi was a small, herbivorous animal, with a slender, agile body, long tail, and powerful hind limbs.

It is notable for its dental and jaw features, which suggest it had a specialized diet of tough plant material, such as seeds or stems. Slight flattening and flaring of the tail vertebrae also suggest specialisms for a semi-aquatic ecology.

Model includes a Pre-supported version.

The model is sized for 1:20 of the actual size. You can reduce or enlarge the model using the slicing software if you need a different size.

Pre-supported model is oriented to minimize supports to the face and other high-detail parts. Care should be taken when removing the supports to avoid damaging the model.

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