Malagasy Hippopotamus : Hippopotamus Lemerlei

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Officially Extinct in early 1500s.

Hippopotamus lemerlei, also known as the Malagasy hippopotamus, was a species of hippopotamus that was endemic to the island of Madagascar.

It was one of the smallest species of hippopotamus, about the size of a pygmy hippopotamus, and had unique adaptations to its freshwater habitats.

Despite its relatively recent extinction, very little is known about the biology and ecology of this species.

Model includes a Pre-supported version.

The model is sized for 1:24 of the actual size. You can reduce or enlarge the model using the slicing software if you need a different size.

Pre-supported model is oriented to minimize supports to the face and other high-detail parts. Care should be taken when removing the supports to avoid damaging the model.

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