WARNING: Limited quantities featuring Unreleased models. Once they're gone, these models won't be back for sale for many weeks.
SAVE 29 % with this PACK which includes UNRELEASED Models.
Box includes
20 SPEARwomen: 1 Command Group + 3 Troops
- Features 20 Multiparts Troopers and includes 20 helmeted heads and 12 bare heads
- Use the Command Group as regular troops, or use the included accessories to make 1 Champion, 1 Musician, and 1 Banner.
10 HalberdWomen: 1 Command Group + 1 TroopsÂ
- Features 10 Multiparts Troopers and includes 10 helmeted heads and 6 bare heads
- Use the Command Group as regular troops, or use the included accessories to make 1 Champion, 1 Musician, and 1 Banner.
10 Long Swords: 1 Command Group + 1 Troops
- Features 10 Multiparts Troopers and includes 10 helmeted heads and 6 bare heads
- Use the Command Group as regular troops, or use the included accessories to make 1 Champion, 1 Musician, and 1 Banner.
10 Harpies: (Unreleased models)
- Features 10Â Multiparts winged Troopers, including 1 Champion
- Please note that the Harpies' heads cannot be swapped as they are attached to the torsos.
10 Blood Vestals (Fantasy), TGG2 Edition: 1 Command Group + 1 Troops
- Features 10 Multiparts Troopers
- Use the Command Group as regular troops, or use the included accessories to make 1 Champion, 1 Musician, and 1 Banner.
6 Drahhk Riders (Unreleased models): Â
- all Multiparts riders feature swappable parts with ball-joint assembly
- includes 1 Champion, 1 Banner, 1 Musician
- includes 1 champion head, 5 helmeted heads and 2 bare heads
- riders legs are moulded directly on Draahks' bodies
- 6 different Draahks: you can customise your Draahks as their left limbs, heads and tails are all swappable with ball-joint assembly.
ð â Don't miss our other Exclusive BLACK HEARTS Packs with Unreleased miniatures.