Land Of The Frost All In Pack (With Scenery/centerpiece)

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Land of the Frost All in Pack (with scenery/Centerpiece)

This set includes:

1 Highly Detailed Tzar Gavriil the Third, Ruler of the Land of Frost
1 Highly Detailed Moranna, Goddess of Winter and Death
1 Highly Detailed Koschei, the Deathless
1 Highly Detailed Poludnitsa, Noon Wraith
1 Highly Detailed Tzarina Nadezhda, the Wolf Queen
1 Highly Detailed Ded Moroz, Father Frost
1 Highly Detailed Snegurochka, Bringer of Winter Gifts
1 Highly Detailed Ilya Muromets, Bogatyr
1 Highly Detailed Baba Yaga, Supreme Witch
1 Highly Detailed Chernobog, the Black God
1 Highly Detailed Krampus
1 Highly Detailed Ilya Muromets on Horse
1 Highly Detailed Moranna on Winterdeath Troika
1 Highly Detailed Double Headed Eagle
4 Highly Detailed Frost Maidens
4 Highly Detailed Tzar Guard
4 Highly Detailed Kossacks
4 Highly Detailed Koshei's Undying Guard
4 Highly Detailed Bear Riders
1 Highly Detailed Ded Moroz on Bear
1 Highly Detailed Centerpiece
1 Highly Detailed Modular Part
Custom Bases
Contains both Supported AND Unsupported files.

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