Metal Bases with a Neodym Magnet. Miniature not included.
Compared with Plastic Bases these Bases have several Advantages:
- Especially Plastic Models have a far better stability and don’t fall over easily.
- You don’t need a figure case with foam inlays just a metal case (cooky box) or a metal board.
- Easier to hold your miniature when you paint it because you just need something in metal to put your miniature on.
- Place a white sticker on the round hole of the Base
- Use Super Glue to glue the Magnet under the Base
- Let it dry with the Magnet to the top.
- We use a putty called Molto Allesspachtel (it stays kind of flexible after drying) to prepare the base because it sticks quite good on the metal.
- Base side: Paint the base side with a mix of PVA-Glue and paint (1:1). So the paint stays flexible and doesn’ chips off too easiliy.