II/81a Armies of the Dux Brit, Com Lit Sax, Britannia Prima, Ambrosius, Riothamus or Arthur (407-470 AD)

i want 
i have 

1x General (3Cv or 3Kn)ROBR14/ROBR17 *
1x Equites or Alares (3Cv)--ROBR15 1x Equites Dalmatae (2LH)--ROBR20 or Welsh Gentry (3Cv)--PICT14
1x Equites Catafratariorum (4Kn)ROBR18 * or Alares (3Cv)ROBR15
2x Legionari (4Bd)ROBR12 or Peydt (4Sp)ROBR11
5x Cohartales or Numeri (4Ax)--ROBR04/05 or Peydt (4Sp)ROBR09
1x Archers (2Ps)ROBR07
*Please note that the horses will be barded with a front leather band and not armored
Total figures: 21 Cavalry and 58 Infantry**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look like.

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