The Star Pharaohs have been UPGRADED!
All models are presupported. Mix, match, and mirror for a huge combination of poses.
For thousands of years, the Star Pharaohs have been diligently mining Hexcite throughout the galaxy on the orders of their beloved (and deceased) gods, the Hexan. Most races in the galaxy understandably mistook this gigantic mining and distribution operation as a dangerous and belligerent pan-galactic empire, and only opposed the Star Pharaohs when it directly interfered with their own interests. However, that may have been a mistake - as the Star Pharaohs eventually collected enough Hexan to bring one of their malevolent divines back to life!
The Dreamwalker, first discovered by the Star Pharaohs, blinked its ancient eyes for the first time in millions of years upon the completion of the resurrection ritual. As a reward for his resurrection, he held his hands over the robotic legions of Star Pharaohs and gave them: "Life... or something like it."
The Star Pharaohs began transmuting from entirely mechanical beings to bio-mechanic ones. No longer requiring Hexcite to power their bodies, they march with deathlike patience with their new mecha-skeletal forms in service of the Hexan that not only gave them purpose, but life as well.
The Ascended Khopesh Warriors were the first to be transmuted, and as the Dreamwalker hadn't created life since at least one galactic conquest ago, the result was less than perfect. However, the Khopesh Warriors are not needed for their perfect forms'; they merely need to carpet the battlefield with their bodies and weapons. And for this purpose, they ARE perfect.
Meanwhile, the rest of the galaxy shudders as haunting images appear in their dreams, dredged up from long-dormant racial memories. Images of a great and terrible war waged when the galaxy was young, and the six divine beings who were responsible, one of whom has recently returned to life...