Those of the Oathbreakers who have received the Corruption mark form their own units, called the Miasmic Cohort. The armor of these warriors is covered with rust and noxious ichor, and their bodies are afflicted with terrible unhealed ulcers and exude a disease-causing miasmic stench. Despite their disgusting appearance, the gifts of Corruption endow their bearers with special vitality and resilience, and the most gifted of them gets to be granted with extraordinary strength. Every rank of the Miasmic Cohort dreams of becoming a Tainted Champion, and every Champion trying their best to become a Black Death lord, with the sole purpose of spreading the gifts of Corruption in the name of the Plague as efficiently as possible.
I decided to make another Oathbreakers squad, this time with a slightly different style. Here are the Guards, a Corrupted Champion, and a Flamethrower. Looked like they turned out well. Due to the peculiarities of mutations, cutting models this time is very simple, so there may be some problems with the conversion.