5x Snapjaw Varleni Snapjaw Skirmishers 32mm scale (fits 60x35mm base)
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Snapjaws are a bipedal predator of crocodilian like origins that live near rivers. They are very quick, using their large legs to sprint at high speed to catch smaller animals. Formidible jaws make sure that once they clamp down on somthing they dont let go, somthing their riders must watch out for on occasions. Snapjaws are also adept at swimming, however their prefered hunting strategy is to stand near the waters edge and pluck fish out of the water with their jaws.
The Varleni after watching these wonderful creatures have adopted this fishing tactic too, waiting patiently before spearing a fish as it passes by. Contests are held to catch the largest fish with the prize being a chance to bond with a Snapjaw. This is a dangerous but effective way of making sure only the strongest and wisest of Varleni become riders, being one is a great honour.
The Varleni Skirmish Riders are a fast attack force, much like their fishing habbits they skim along the edges of combat throwing their spears and if anything gets too close their Snapjaw will make quick work of it.