Patreon Link:
The Pit Fighters can be found in nearly every dank fighter arena of the underhive. Extensively modified with bionics and weapon enhancements, these creatures, as they are barely even human anymore, are effectivel purpose built murder servitors to entertain the crowds.
The model comes with a total of 6 arms, 3 legs, 3 heads and 3 torso options. All offered as pre-supported.
This model is part of the House Bharteth Patreon rewards and Patrons also get access to Chracter Cards, Artwork, Lore and help in deciding the direction of the characters and releases. You can get this model, Sasa Nun, the Enslaver, the Wasteland Nurse and a Cyber Imp for AU$4 during the month of September. If you are interested in these models or the project, be sure to check out the Patreon: