Europe Asunder Sample Pack: Supportless 6mm Napoleonic Miniatures Nap-1

i want 
i have 

This is a selection of the miniatures included in my upcoming Kickstarter Europe Asunder, set to release on the 27th of May 2021.

The core set includes armies for 4 nations (France, Austria, Russia, Prussia) with two expansion sets covering 6 more (Great Britain, Spain, Portugal and Bavaria, Saxony, Sweden and Württemberg). In addition, all the nations listed here also have full artillery crews (resins of which are among the images attached here).

One thing that will make this project unique is the inclusion of an option to purchase my original Blender files that include all the modular assets I've built, allowing for the export of custom figures in any mix of assets (for example, one could model the Dutch Imperial Guard Grenadiers by exporting a flank company body with a bearskin head and removing the front plate).

Of course there will be pre-exported "default" models, of which I've completed the following, ready for delivery the moment the funding window closes:

-Line Fusiliers in Bicornes
-Grenadiers in Bearskins
-Voltigeurs in Plumed Shakos
-Standard Bearer
-Eagle Bearer
-Eagle Guard with Halberds
-Officer in Bicorne
-NCO with Musket

-Fusiliers in Helmets
-Officer in Helmet
-Drummer in Helmet
-Grenadiers in Bearskins
-Standard Bearer
-NCO with Musket & Cane

-Fusilier in Shako
-Grenadier in Shako
-NCO with Spontoon
-Drummer in Shako
-Officer in Bicorne
-Standard Bearer

-Musketeer in Cocked Hat
-Grenadier in... err... Prussian Bearskin/Hat type thingymajig
-Fusilier in Shako
-NCO with Cane
-Officer in Cocked Hat
-Standard Bearer

All of the models have been test printed on an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro by myself and a Creality Photon (by one of my Patreon patrons).

If you don't mind my tooting my own horn a smidge, I have to say I am very happy with how these have printed - a lot of people discount the detail that even cheap entry-level resin printers can achieve at 6mm and, as you'll see, these models have distinctive faces with visible noses and mouths, the details are crisp (though, yes, print layers are visible up close) and, perhaps most appealingly for me at least, we've nice flexible bayonets that aren't going to get bent!

Consider the fact my test printing four battalions of infantry (160 figures) only cost £0.40 and three hours of printing time and I hope this may well be a compelling direction for 6mm Napoleonics!

I guess the final thing to say is that I will have a preview of the full KS page up as soon as I finish filming my painting tutorials/photographing fully printed/painted battalions. Once the page is available you'll see there's also an array of compelling stretch goals :)

Some of you might notice the conspicuous lack of cavalry among all this (I've only covered infantry and foot artillery); I felt that, Napoleonic cavalry being so numerous and various in type, it was best to represent them with a separate project that will follow up after this one.

I'll be happy to answer any questions!

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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