Egyptian Pyramid Walls

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A set of Egyptian Pyramid OpenLOCK tiles, thie set includes external walls for to create a pyramid as large as you like.

The set also includes four different entrances.

  • The grand entrance with statues
  • A small square entrance with removable stone slab
  • A small triangular entrance
  • A broken damaged wall entrance.

Also included is a basic stone floor tile.

For information on openLOCK and how to use it you can refer to their website here:


Included Items:

Base Geometry:

  • E_TRP_Floor
  • II_Wall
  • IL_Wall
  • IT_Wall
  • MainEntranceLower
  • MainEntranceUpper
  • OpenLockClip
  • SA_Door
  • SA_DoorTri
  • SA_DoorWay
  • SA_Opening
  • SA_Wall_A
  • SA_Wall_B
  • SB_Door
  • SB_DoorTri
  • SB_DoorWay
  • SB_Wall_A
  • SB_Wall_B
  • SD_Wall_A
  • SD_Wall_B
  • S_Wall_A
  • S_Wall_B
  • Top



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