Johnny Atomic is the head DJ at Old Line Radio and a certifiable wasteland legend. The only reliable source for news, weather, and fallout warnings, Johnny is beloved by everyone the wasteland over. Bring a little rockabilly fun back to your settlement, bring home Johnny today.
Johnny Atomic comes equipped with an assault rifle and boom mic. He is 29mm to the eyes. Sculpted by Shane Hoyle.
Package Contents (1 metal miniature)
- 1x Johnny Atomic body
- 1x 25mm slotted plastic round base
The Johnny Atomic miniature is ideal for playing This Is Not a Test and other post-apocalyptic, science fiction, or modern wargames. Copyright 2017 World’s End Publishing.
Metal Miniature Ingredients 98% Tin Pewter Alloy: Tin (98%), Bismuth, Silver and Copper - Lead, Cadmium & Antimony FREE