Lead the way on the Black Powder Epic Battles tabletop with these British Light Infantry!
British Light Infantry battalions were trained in the ‘Shorncliffe System’, a method which encouraged small-unit tactics, initiative, and marksmanship. While still a product of the strict discipline of the era, the ‘Light Bobs’, as they were known, certainly enjoyed a much greater level of operational leeway than their Line colleagues! In battle, their role was to skirmish with their French Voltigeur opponents, and on the march they would often serve as either advance or rear guards, and if needed they could also serve in the main battleline.
Add some flexibility to your Black Powder: Epic Battles British collection with these finely detailed Warlord Resin light infantrymen, perfect for both Waterloo and the Peninsular!
- Two battalions of Napoleonic British Light Infantry (each of four stands including command), cast in Warlord Resin.
- Plastic Bases
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted