Sol'kesh Silvette + 5E Statblock

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a large sized Predatory fish distantly descended from the sturgeon family of fish. It makes its home in large rivers and lakes. Mounted on a small cavalry base diorama of underwater mangrove roots and flowing river grass.

Horns rise from white rapids as a silvette races upstream following the scent of blood still fresh in the rushing waters. These far ranging scavengers, armored in plates of overlapping scales reminiscent of a fish from a bygone era, contend with larkiera and niciliath for recent kills down miles of rivers. To contend with such competition, razored protrusions along their face and hardened scales protect them while they wrestle for hunks of meat. While they lack the patience of a predator, these fish are more aggressive than most with such a savage need to feast quickly. Often during the fierce competition for mates between rauka or a sole sacrissian eating its prey at the rivers edge, it is not uncommon for a silvette to charge into the struggle, tearing at any creature it can sink its hooked teeth into before rushing off down river.

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