Microscale 6mm Halfling Slingers

i want 
i have 

V.1.1: made some minor changes to their heads so as to make the top less flat.


These 4mm-tall (to the top of the head) little dudes are halflings for 6mm-scale wargaming armed with slings. They are easy to print, and rotating them a bit, only one strip needs a couple of supports. Nonetheless, I have added the strips with supports to the base and elevated a bit so as to avoid any z-axis issues one may encounter when printing something so small.

These are supposed to be skirmish-like units, so you are free to arrange them in any way you like. They come in two types of poses, standing, and attacking. For each of these, there's also a strip with shields.

Printing tips

While this applies to any miniature, it's more important when printing 6mm miniatures, especially something as small as this: make sure the models are as dry as possible before curing them. That is, that there are no pools of dirty IPA with dissolved resin on them, as this, if cured immediately, might clog the miniature with those annoying glossy residues, mostly the legs (fusing them, for example.) Using the edge or point of some tissue or paper towel along the feet/leg of the miniatures will clean a lot of it. The face and head are probably other important areas to keep an eye on.

Painting tips

Even though these models have a high level of detail, there are tinny so you should be a bit more abstract when painting them. Inks and washes will serve you well, and I recommend oils (very diluted) as these can get into any little recess, no matter how small, and they can be manipulated for a long time after being applied. That's what I did for the faces: using oils, I applied a very small amount of a dark brown color, and then, with another brush, sponged off the excess.

Don't fuss too much about the feet and legs, as once based, these will probably be covered by grass or whatever you have used there. Yes, the models have hair on their feet, but nobody will see that.

Some of the standing halflings have an object in their left hands. That's supposed to be a rock.

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