Nyanco Executive

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Among the nomadic freeships of the human sphere, all manner of the esoteric and less-than-legal can be found. Among these, NyanCo exists as a curiosity, utilizing a genetic engineering firm to create rather intentional and specific biologic mods and unique sleeves that skirt the legalities of international legislation. From private military services and prostitution to selling their enhanced body sleeves, often to bolster their personnel pool.
From enhanced senses, pheromonal lures, and other bio mods only available from the freeships, every member of NyanCo from their military corps, bioclinics, service staff and even administrative clerks utilize the curious and artesian sleeves that their business has been built around.

The NyanCo Executive is a single model that makes for a perfect non-combatant on the tabletop.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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