Czarchon, Witch King of Chaos, figure by Ral Partha

Technical info
Set Type: Miniature
Material: White Metal
Packaging: Blister
Require assembly: yes
Need to paint: yes
Need to 3d print: -
State, Dates, Availability
State: Discontinued
Released at: 27 April 1987
Discontinued at: 27 April 2001
Price: $4.50
Miniatures in set: 2
Scale: 25mm
Base size: 20mm
Sculpting type: Physical, by hands
Company: Ral Partha
Game / Line: Chaos Wars
Specification: Hero
Setting: -
Creators - persons
Sculptor: Tom Meier
About this set
On Miniset: link
Added by member: Bloodwild
Added: 27 April 2016