Vampires, Egyptians and Necromancers for Fantasy Football

Vampires, Egyptians and Necromancers for Fantasy Football
Three new Undead teams for Fantasy Football. More than 70 miniatures in 32 mm scale made from resin!
Setting: Fantasy, Football
Miniature, 32mm
April 2020, Noblesville, IN, US
Here is only preview of the project. See full info, rewards and updates on main project page.
Project start: 15 April 2020
Project end: 6 May 2020
Last update: 21 April 2021
Next update: ~ Never (we think)

Last project rescan: 2 years 10 months ago. Project finalized (freezed).


CompanyFellowship Games
CompanyPunga Miniatures


Interactive timeline of CFProject. Use your mouse to move and zoom.