Adam Poots Games
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Crowd Funding Projects from Adam Poots Games
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5
A cooperative nightmare horror game experience. Hunt intelligent monsters and develop your settlement through a self-running campaign.
Setting: Western
November 2016, Glendale, Queens, NY, US
November 2016, Glendale, Queens, NY, US
Kingdom Death : Monster
Cooperative board game set in a nightmare-horror world. Fight for your life, scavenge, craft, and band together to survive.
Setting: Horror
November 2012, Brooklyn, NY, US
November 2012, Brooklyn, NY, US
Indie Nerd Board Game, Needs Player Character Miniature Sculpted!
pictured here is the character we would like to sculpt as a high quality game miniature - the Forsaker, a man that has abandoned his sanity to face..
Setting: Horror
May 2009, New York, NY, US
May 2009, New York, NY, US